Extraction of Important Characteristics for Data-Informed Guidance and Counseling from Daily Usage Log Data
In many schools, teachers ensure that learners acquire academic knowledge and competences and promote their comprehensive psychological and social development through a process known as Guidance and Counseling (G&C). However, this process often involves dealing with difficult tasks and requires considerable effort from teachers. In recent years, as ICT tools have become more common, log data on daily use and learning log data have accumulated. These data have enabled teachers to understand leamer processes. Utilizing data across contexts is expected to deepen learners understanding, which is the basis of G&C. However, despite these needs and potential, the use of data for G&C has not yet been fully explored. Therefore, this study examines how the log data accumulated in the Goal-Oriented Active Learner (GOAL) system can be used by teachers to understand learners. Specifically, we extracted the characteristics of each learner's situation for various contexts from the log data, which can capture learning and daily routines. We then interviewed two teachers to determine how the visualized characteristics might be useful for G&C. The results suggest that the visualized characteristics are valuable for understanding learners' conditions both inside and outside of school, and these characteristics could support teachers' G&C activities, transcending specific subjects and activities.