Reducing Undergraduate Students' Information Technologies (ITs) Anxiety Through Implementation of Blended Learning: A Case Study in the Basic Natural Science Course


  • Anggiyani Ratnaningtyas Eka NUGRAHENI Department of Chemistry Education, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta; and Faculty of Education, Khon Kaen University Author
  • Anggraeni Dian PERMATASARI Research Center for Education, National Research and Innovation Agency Author
  • Antuni WIYARSI Department of Chemistry Education, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Author



Technology has become a crucial component of teaching and learning since the educational landscape has changed tremendously. Moreover, one of the issues that has arisen due to the advancement of technology in the education sector is students' anxiety about information technologies (ITS). This paper investigates the effectiveness of Blended Learning as a technique for reducing undergraduate students' ITS anxiety. Forty first-year undergraduate students from a public university in Yogyakarta, Indonesia were asked to get involved in this study. Furthermore, one group pre-test and post-test design was utilized. Data were collected using a questionnaire and examined using quantitative analysis. The Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used to deal with non-normal data. The findings revealed that implementing blended learning in the Basic Natural Sciences course could reduce undergraduate students' anxiety about ITS.


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How to Cite

Reducing Undergraduate Students’ Information Technologies (ITs) Anxiety Through Implementation of Blended Learning: A Case Study in the Basic Natural Science Course. (2024). International Conference on Computers in Education.