Online Student Testlet-Generation as an Innovation Approach to Student-Created Assessment: Its Learning Effects


  • Fu-Yun YU National Cheng Kung University Author
  • Ya-Shin CHANG National Cheng Kung University Author



The effect of student question-generation (SQG) strategies on promoting student cognitive and affective development has generally been confirmed by empirical studies. While questions of various types have been included in SQG activities, the potential of testlets as a possible form has yet been closely explored. Given that the inclusion of testlets in international assessment as well as national and local testing is prominent, its learning effects await to be examined. Hence, this study aimed to investigate the comparative effects of online SQG and student testlet-generation (STG) on academic achievement, learning strategy use, learning motivation, learning attitude, and cognitive load. A pre-test and post-test quasi-experimental research method was adopted. Two classes of sixth-grade students (n-54) from a primary school in Chiayi, Taiwan were invited to participate in the 8-week study. The online learning activities were introduced to support the teaching and learning of Chinese language and two systems developed by the researcher were adopted. Data analyzed by the analysis of covariance technique found no significant differences in any of the observed variables. In other words, both online SQG and STG had comparable learning effects on all examined variables. Given the comparable learning effects of STG and SQG for supporting primary school student learning (as substantiated by this study) and the many educative effects of SQG (as having been well attested by numerous empirical studies), instructors are encouraged to incorporate testlets as an innovative approach to student-created assessment. This work is significant in providing empirical evidence on the comparable learning effects of SQG and STG on cognitive and affective outcomes across several aspects of educational importance, and also in expanding the realm of SQG as well as innovative student-created assessment approaches.


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How to Cite

Online Student Testlet-Generation as an Innovation Approach to Student-Created Assessment: Its Learning Effects. (2024). International Conference on Computers in Education.