Proposal for Simulation Environment to Support Understanding of Tactical Positioning


  • Yuki OHTSUKA Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Kansai University Author
  • Tomko KOJIRI Faculty of Engineering Science, Kansai University Author



To lead tactics to success in team sports, the player needs to judge whether they should apply the tactics based on the positional relationships of their allies, opponents, and other relevant factors. Players build up successful positional relationships based on the experience, i.e. to satisfy the positions of the allies and opponents of the success experience and exclude those of the failure experiences. However, novice players, due to lack of experience, do not have appropriate successful positional relationships. In order to acquire the successful positional relationships, two steps are necessary: to experience tactics with various positional relationships and to acquire the successful positional relationships from the experiential results. This paper focuses on supporting the first step and proposes a tactic simulation system for the given tactics and positional relationships.


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How to Cite

Proposal for Simulation Environment to Support Understanding of Tactical Positioning. (2024). International Conference on Computers in Education.