The Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education (APSCE) was formed on 1 January 2004. It is an independent academic society whose broad objective is to promote the conduct and communication of scientific research related to all aspects of the use of computers in education, especially within the Asia-Pacific.
This APSCE Library will include all APSCE Conferences proceedings.
Conference Proceedings Seriess
International Conference on Computers in Education
The International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE) is organized by the Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education (APSCE).
Accepted papers in the main conference, workshops, Early Career Workshop, Doctoral Student Consortium and Work-in-Progress Posters will be published in proceedings, which will be submitted to Elsevier for inclusion in Scopus. Proceedings of the main conference will also be submitted to Clarivate for inclusion in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index.
International Conference on Metaverse and Artificial Companions in Education and Society
The International Conference on Metaverse and Artificial Companions in Education and Society (MetaACES) is one of the APSCE Theme-based International Conference Series. MetaACES aims to provide an interactive platform for academics, researchers, practitioners, and professionals in the education sector to share and exchange research agenda, innovative ideas as well as practices of promoting and exploring metaverse, artificial companions, and related technologies. MetaACES comprises keynotes, seminars and panels delivered by internationally renowned scholars, researchers, and practitioners. Catalysed and facilitated by emerging technologies, the metaverse and related artificial companions will affect us in every aspect of our lives. The conference program includes keynotes, seminars, presentations, and panels. All the accepted papers and abstracts of the conference will be published in ISBN-coded proceedings. Accepted full papers will be selected and invited to submit to one of the following Open Access journals: Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, and IEEE TCLT's Bulletin of the Technical Committee on Learning Technology.
International Conference on Computational Thinking and STEM Education
International Conference on Computational Thinking and STEM Education is the international conference organized by APSCE. CTE-STEM is the most remarkable event of the Programme for worldwide sharing of ideas as well as dissemination of findings and outcomes on the implementation of computational thinking and STEM education development. The conference will comprise keynote speeches, teacher forum and paper presentations. All accepted papers will be published in ISSN-coded proceedings.
International Conference on Future Language Learning
The APSCE International Conference on Future Language Learning (ICFULL) organized by the Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education (APSCE) provides a platform for academics and researchers from transdisciplinary areas, including cognitive neural scientists, linguistic researchers, pedagogical designers, theorists of language learning as well as practitioners in various language learning arenas in the world to share and exchange ideas to strengthen research, theories and practice, and explore possibilities for advancing future language learning. The conference program includes keynotes, paper presentations and panelists. All the accepted papers in the conference will be published in ISBN-coded proceedings.